Thursday, 6 March 2025

Silenced by Torture


Silenced by Torture

This is an extraordinary life-story of a few missionaries who followed the path led by St. Francis Xavior to evangelize Japan.[1] Christianity first arrived on the shores of Japan via Xavior in 1549 AD. The Society of Jesus or Jesuits, of which St. Zavior was a foundational member, was quite active thereafter and from Portugal missionaries were sent and some three hundred thousand Christians came to be in Japan. In the hierarchical society of the then Japan, the landlord sat on the top of the pyramid, under whom worked the Samurai (the warrior classes), and then came at the bottom the poor peasants. The peasants readily accepted Christ and the message of his love and redemption, for they were under heavy burden of taxation and were considered as filthy insects crawling on the ground, who could be crushed any time by those on the top. During the glory days of evangelism in Japan, even Samurai and the landlords accepted Christ and took baptism.

After the outburst of the Shimbara rebellion in 1637-1638, in which the peasants rebelled against the heavy taxation, led actively by Christian village leaders, and some Christian Samurai, things changed. A terrible persecution of Christianity was launched and kept raging for a long time. In Nagasaki some 26 priests of the Jesuit order were punished and priests all over Japan were evicted, tortured and put to death. Expulsion of all the missionaries from Japan was ordered 1614, because of their alleged role in stirring rebellion among the peasants. Some 70 priests were exiled to Macao, then a popular port in China. For the next 250 years Christianity was banned in Japan and its priests were outlawed.  

The church went underground and some 37 priests secretly remained in Japan, including Father Ferreira, sent from the Society of Jesus in Portugal. He had worked for 33 years in Japan; but he was betrayed, arrested, put to torture of ‘the pit’ at Nagasaki and he apostatized. He had to take a Japanese name, marry a Japanese woman, dress like a Japanese and stayed in Nagasaki under the magistrate’s supervision. His letters to the Society stopped after 1632. Uneme became the magistrate in Nagasaki in 1629 and ever since torture and killing of secret Christians became worse.

In 1635, three priests from Portugal, who were the students of Ferriera, took permission of the authorities in Rome and Portugal, to undertake a secret mission, to go to Japan and investigate whether Ferreira really denied his Master Christ, and what had happened to him. These priests were Rodrigues, Juan Marra and Garrpe, all friends, studied in the seminary of Campolide in Lisbon, where Ferreira had been their teacher once. They departed in the Indian fleet that left the shores of Lisbon in 1638, sailed around Africa, circumventing the Cape of Good Hope, and reached Goa, their destination, after seven months, braving violent storms and turbulent sea on the way.

The next year they proceeded to Macao a base for trade between China and Japan. Portuguese had been forbidden to enter Japan. The Jesuit leader in Macao refused to permit to send these three Jesuits to Japan, on their secret mission, as it was very dangerous, with Dutch and English warships enroute, who were opposed to the Jesuits. In Macao they met a Japanese, named Kichijiro, who promised to put them in touch with the secret Christians in Japan, and after mustering a vessel, captain and sailors, they left for Japan. As Santa Marta was very sick, they left him at Macao and only Rodrigues and Garuppe journeyed further. After a terrible storm, they reached the shores of Japan, somewhere near Nagasaki. Kichijiro led them to a village, Tomogi, where the two missionaries received favorable welcome but in secrecy, and were lodged in a dilapidated hit in the nearby mountain in hiding.

The magistrate of Nagasaki was not aware of the existence of the secret Christians and the villagers feared that they will all be killed if the authorities came to know that the villagers were hiding Portuguese priests. The priests had to hide in that ramshackle hut for the day and in the nights, they could not light a fire. Rainy season started in June and it poured buckets of water. Confined to the hut, it was a miserable existence, dangerous not only to the peasants, but also to the priests. They had some dry rice for food and may be a potato or so brought up by the villagers. Still the priests conducted prayers, heard confessions and instructed them in catechism, for the Christians there were like sheep without a shepherd. The rewards for their heads fixed by the Japanese government were highly attractive: anyone informing on a priest will get 300 pieces of silver; if a Jesuit brother was informed on, one will get 200 pieces of silver and for a Christian, one will get 100 pieces of silver. It was quite an attractive sum for the starving peasants.

Very soon troubles erupted. In spite of all precautions, someone had informed the authorities and the officials descended on the village, searched their houses and in their second visit took the villagers in a procession, made them stamp with their feet on a metal frame with Christ’s face embossed on it. As a true Christian they cannot bear to put their foot on the face of their Savior. I remember the incidence of St. Polycarp, the Bishop of Symrna, before being burnt on stake, was asked just to say, “Caesar is the Lord.” But he refused saying, “for 86 years I have served Him, and He has done me no wrong, and how can I call another person as my Lord?” And as a reward, he was burnt on the stake. That was in 155 AD. The poor peasants of this village, clenching their tooth, stepped on Jesus’ face, but the authorities identified two villagers who cringed while stamping on the picture. Then they brought out the picture of Mother Mary and the infant Jesus in her lap and asked these two to trample on it. As Catholics they had a special regard for Mother Mary and it was too much for them to do and both refused to stamp on it.

These two unfortunate Christians were taken to the beach and bound on wooden beams, which were planted in the sand and left to stand on the shore. At low tide the sea water came up to their ankles, but during the high tide water came up to their neck. Within three days they both died in great agony. Warned of the officials third swoop, which would be to search the mountain where they were staying, the priests decided to separate and run from their mountain hut. Again some one seemed to have informed on them to the authorities. Rodrigue continues the narrative. He ran amidst bushes and brambles and tore the peasant dress he was wearing and his body. With no food to eat, he plucked the grass growing on the sides and ate it. He met Kichijiro on the way and he took him to another Christian village. The priest had his doubts that Kichijiro could be the informer. Still, he went to the village and walked straight in to the ambush of the authorities, was caught and taken to Nagasaki, where he was imprisoned separately. A group of Christian villagers had also been taken prisoners.   

The magistrate Uneme came with a band of Samurai and tried to convince the priest to deny Jesus and recant. He refused to trample on the face of Christ in the picture. They treat him gently and let him conduct prayers for the villagers in captivity. Then one day, they took him to Nagasaki to meet the priest Ferreira, the priest whom they had come to sees. But he tried to convince the young priest to recant. He himself had denied Christ realizing the innocent peasants were being killed one by one, until he recanted. Also, he was suspended in a pit upside down with legs tied up, and a small insertion made behind the ears from which blood oozed out slowly but persistently, which will lead to a slow, but painful death after a few days. Not able to stand these he recanted. The intension of the magistrate was to remove the leaders, the priests, for once that was done, the people, even if they were secret Christians, the authorities did not bother, for there was no one to lead them.

Rodrigues was brought back to his cell. In the night he heard someone constantly snoring. He raised his voice not able to bear this sound. Ferreira came to him and explained that was not the sound of snoring, but the rasping of two men who had been suspended in the pit and dying. As long as he refused to deny Christ, such torture of the innocents will continue. He cannot kill himself as it was against his religion. Finally, Rodriques relented and trampled on the face of Christ. It seemed to him that Jesus from that picture, with compassion, called him to trample on him. The torture stopped, but the priest was held captive, made to wear Japanese dress, given the name of a dead Japanese, made to live in a house under house arrest. He refused to marry the widow of the dead man, whom they offered. His food was supplied twice a day. He was a captive, never could he dream of returning to Portugal. Many times, during those agonizing days, Rodrigues questioned the Lord, “why are you silent?” He got his answer one day, “I was not silent, I suffered beside you.” In this isolation and agony, he lived for another 30 years and died in Japan at the age of sixty-four. His mortal remains were cremated and the little money he had covered this expense.

In the sixty years that followed St. Zavior’s visit, Christianity flourished in Japan. But things changed after 1605. From 1614 to 1640 some six thousand Christians were killed. First the offenders were burnt, but when they died a martyr’s death, glorified by the others, they resorted to torture by dipping them in hot water or made to stand tied to the pole in the sea or suspended upside down in a pit with a small insertion behind the ear. In 1632 Ferraira apostatized. A few years later, Rodrigues also apostatized. The other priest died. It was not until another 250 (1603-1868) years that doors will be opened for Christianity in Japan. But even today as of 2023, there are only 8,98,921 Christians in Japan, a meagre 0.73% of the population.


I remember countries like Turkey, which was for 1000 years a Christian nation under Byzantine Roman Empire, today is totally Islamic, with the change taking place after the capture of Istanbul by Ottoman Turks in 1453 AD. Christianity was wiped out from northern Africa, where most famous Christian teacher, writer and philosopher, St. Augustine was born and lived in the fourth century AD.  Today, in the whole of Muslim Arab world there are hardly any Christians. In India, the RSS, and its political wing BJP, that is governing the country today, would love to wipe off the two and a half percent Christians from the face of country.

Why is this hatred towards Christ and his followers? What makes them want to exterminate an enlightened community that is in the forefront of education, health and social services in the country they reside? It dawned on me suddenly that they are scared and worried about the power that is behind the Christian people – power to transform the society, bring education, teach ethics and help the poor and the needy with their services. It is not the Christians doing it, for they are as fallible as any other but, it is the power of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God through His Son Christ, that changes a person and transforms a people, if only given the willingness. Yes, in that power and glory the Lord Jesus Christ will come again to claim what is lawfully His, the Kingdom of heaven on earth. Till then, persecutions will continue, and may the grace of God strengthen them who go through it, and let the hope of eternal life with Christ, the Beloved, bring them peace. Praise God.   

[1] Shusaku Endo, “Silence,” 1966 in Japanese; translated version in English, 1969.

Saturday, 15 February 2025


The Scarlet Pimpernel

The Scarlet Pimpernel! A sweet little star-shaped flower commonly seen in England becomes the title of a historical, adventurous novel published in 1905, by a Baroness named Orczy. The story is set in 1792, the early stages of French Revolution, which started in 1789, with the storming of the Bastille prison in Paris on July 14, 1789. The story narrates events earlier to the beginning of the Reign of Terror, 1793-1794, when aristocrats in scores were subjected to the guillotine and whole families were massacred. The Emperor Louis XVI was guillotined in January 1793. In October the same year the Queen Marie Antoinette was executed by the same guillotine. It will rage until Napoleon Bonaparte took charge in a coup d’etat, abolishing the then ruling Directory, and the revolution ground to a halt in 1799.

In these troubled times there was a ray of hope for the harassed aristocrats of France, many of whom were rescued by a band of tightly knit 20 British aristocrats under the leadership of one calling himself the Scarlet Pimpernel.  Nobody had seen this leader, but he was known as Scarlet Pimpernel, known only by his symbol, the way side red colored flower, scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis). Stories circulated how daring he was and how ingeniously he cheated the French guards at the gates, to smuggle whole families of French aristocracy, saving them from guillotine. He was a master of disguise and evoked admiration and loyalty for his bravery and the daring feats he accomplished in the face of terror and danger. His rescue efforts rose to almost mythical levels. The rescued French families were safe in England and were seen as the refugees, liberated by the elusive Scarlet Pimpernel.

Sir Percy Blakeney a rich and famous Englishman was seen as a lazy and dim-witted aristocrat in the London circles. In one of his trips to Paris, fell head over heels in love with a beautiful, rich and intelligent woman, Marquerite, marries her and brings her to London in 1792. She was an actress and not an aristocrat in French society. The London society drooled over her and saw also how unfitting the match was; she was intelligent and admirable and Percy was just rich! No intelligence to match. Even the wife was treating him with contempt. But they all adored the Scarlet Pimpernel and his exploits, without knowing who he was. May be that was the attraction!

Marquerite was blackmailed by Chauvelin, the French envoy to England to find out the identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel, using her contacts with the rich and the mighty in England society, so that he can capture him and bring him to the guillotine in France. Her own brother Armand, presently in France, was in league with the Pimpernel, and his life was in danger. With this the French envoy threatens and blackmails Marquerite.

 No one could have even remotely associated Percy with the Scarlet Pimpernel, the daring, highly intelligent and formidable swordsman, with quick-thinking, master of disguise. But in a ball one evening Marquerite finds out to her horror that her husband indeed was the elusive Pimpernel. But she had already implicated him unknowingly to Chauvelin, who was now tailing Percy, who had just left for France on another mission of his. Smitten by remorse, Marquerite takes the next boat to France, crossing the Chanel, along with one of the loyal supporters of the Pimpernel, to warn her husband that his identity has been compromised, unwittingly by his own wife.

Chauvelin comes to a decrepit inn, where Percy was supposed to lodge, and there they meet face to face, but Percy manages to give a slip to the French envoy and disappears into the night. Marquerite follows her husband and walks straight into the hands of Chauvelin, who is only too happy to have her as a captive to lure Percy and he proceeds to hut near the coast, the supposed hide out of Percy, making an old Jew to take them there by his cart. But by his clever disguise as a dirty old Jew, Percy manages to throw wool over the eyes of Chauvelin and escapes with Marquerite, who was quite contrite by now, and sails to England in the waiting boat, along with her brother and another of the French aristocrat, whose family Percy had already saved.

The double life led by Percy, as a floppy rich man in London society and the heroic but anonymous Scarlet Pimpernel, saving aristocrats from France is quite romantic. He helped aristocrats to escape from France and the guillotine by adopting ingenious methods, disguises and daring bravery. His wife, by the arduous journey she undertook to warn him, had proved her loyalty to her husband and her trustworthiness to his cause, and wiped off her guilt of having betrayed him. They return to England and lived happily ever after!

It is possible that this very famous novel written by Baroness Orczy which was staged as a play successfully and later made into a film, was the forerunner for later spy super-heroes like Super Man, Batman, Zorro, etc. It contains themes like courage, deception, power and pride and heroism. Loyalty is a major theme in the story.

Though Chauvelin and Prince of Wales, latter King George IV, and many other aristocrats described both from England and French societies are historical, Percy, the Scarlet Pimpernel himself might not be a true historical figure. But there were other such brave aristocrats in England, who had helped the French aristocrats to escape guillotine. The historical events narrated like the Reign of Terror and the horrible guillotine and the massacre of the aristocrats in France are all true and factual.  

It is also a point to remember that Wesley of Methodist fame, is credited with saving England and its aristocrats from a revolution as it happened in France. At about the same time (17-3-1791), he went around the slums and downtrodden folks, illiterate and easily enflamed, preaching Christ and his love and peace as written in the gospels. He organized schools for them, educated them, worked for nearly 60 years among the working class of the British, to uplift them with the message of Christ that all are equal in the eyes of our God, the Creator, which gave the poor a sense of dignity and acceptance, which they had not received from the hierarchical society. That is the power of Gospel, and the love which God showed humanity through the death of his Son, for saving humanity from their sins. As an aftermath, the ruling class of Britain, started many reforms in the working conditions of the poor and welfare services to save Britain from such massacre of the ruling class! But, it is God's love through His Son Jesus Christ that won in the end. 

Monday, 13 January 2025

Institutes of the Christian Religion


Institutes of the Christian Religion

It had been my desire to read the Institutes of the Christian Religion by the Reformation-famous John Calvin, penned in 1536. It is almost a text book for the newly formed Protestant churches, dealing with every possible theological and doctrinal matters, which are very much different from the doctrines of the Catholic Church. But little did I imagine the digital book to have 975 pages and that too full of serious and quite dry matter! I ploughed through, but took almost a year to completely read it! The task was so massive and difficult.

Calvin (1509-1564 AD) was a French theologian, and reformer in Geneva, and his brand of Reformed church is known as Calvinism. He was just 26 years old when he wrote the first draft of the book. He expanded it and wrote it to be a book to help common people understand the basics of the Christian faith. His book has four major divisions: 1. Knowledge of God; 2. Knowledge of God the Redeemer; 3. Mode of obtaining the Grace of Christ; and 4. The true Holy Catholic Church.

I thought I will give some of the points that Calvin makes which still rule the Protestant churches as the rule book on all matters connected with Christianity, and enrich our understanding of our own faith. Some points of history of Christianity also, I have pointed out, for our own knowledge.

·       After creation, man was corrupted and this passed on to the posterity by heredity.

·       Man’s natural gifts have all been corrupted by sin, and as Augustine of Hippo says, “Of our own we have nothing but sin.”

·       A sense of God is naturally engraven on the human heart.

·       Augustine of Hippo called the Jews, “The librarians of the Christian church.”

·       For the first 500 years of Christianity, there were no idols in the church, not even the images of Christ or mother Mary.

·       God operates on our wills to do what He wills, through the Holy Spirit and the Word.

·       No saint will ever attain perfection, so long as he is in the body. There is always sin in the saints until they are freed from their mortal frame.

·       Number 7 is the number of Perfection.

·       OT is literal and has temporal blessings, whereas NT is spiritual and endows spiritual blessings.

·       On account of his mother, Jesus is called the Son of David, and on account of his Father, he is the Son of God.

·       It was Innocent III (1160-1216 AD), a Catholic Pope, who introduced confession to one’s own priest, once a year.

·       People were imposed penitents (fasting, etc.,), as punishment for sins, and when they found it too severe, and petitioned the Church for relaxation, the church devised the remission of sins by Indulgences, in 11th and 12th centuries, against which Martin Luther and other Reformists fought.  

·       After Justification, where we are forgiven of sins by Christ, good works follow. Hence no conflict between faith and works.

·       The only Mediator is Christ, not Moses, not the dead, nor anyone else.

·       The body in which we will be resurrected will be the same body as at the present; no new body will be given; but the quality of the body will be different.

·       Church is a must in the believers’ life, because church is where the Word is preached and sacraments are observed.

·       No church will be altogether free from blemish; we are not to abandon church due to minute objections and variants.

·       For the appointment of the pastors, and bishops the consent of the people, the congregation was taken. Even when elections were introduced some 500 years back, the election of the clergy and the cardinals should be ratified by the consent of the people/congregation.

·       Pope Hildebrand, named Gregory VII (1020-1085 AD), received the rule of the Western Empire from the Emperor Henry IV, and the emperors became subordinate to the Popes. Popes used excommunication as a weapon to make the Kings/Emperors obey them. He established the primacy of the Papacy, stating that his power was absolute as a successor of Apostle Peter.

·       Marriage was forbidden to priests in 12th century by Pope Calistus (1123 AD). Calvin was married and had children also, but they did not survive infancy.

·       A woman can take a vow of continence only after her 60th year, according to Catholic norms.

·       Baptism by immersion of sprinkling is immaterial, and any of the two methods is permissible depending on the climate.  

·       Children born to Christian parents are received by God as heirs to Covenant, so they can be baptized while still babies. (infant baptism is alright).

·       Catholic church has added seven sacraments, while only 2 are biblical, that is Baptism and Holy Communion. Catholics added confirmation, penitence, extreme unction, ecclesiastical orders and marriage as sacraments, which are not biblical.

·       Calvin held that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were temporary and ceased after the apostles. (Many of us may not agree with this!)

·       According to Calvin, the offices of Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists are temporary, but that of Pastors and Teachers are of perpetual duration.

·       Magistrates and rulers are to be strict and firm, for example, a murderer must not go unpunished.

·       Just war is still permissible for Christians.

·       Levy of taxes and imposts are the legitimate revenue of the princes/rulers.

·       Christians can go to the court, to alleviate their problems, and to receive justice, but not with hatred and a will to harm the opponent.

·       Even the most tyrants of the rulers are appointed by God to be used for His glory; eg. Nebuchadnezzar.

·       Nothing happens by chance, but by the will of God.

·       The ceremonial and judicial/political laws given to the Jews have been repealed, but not the moral law. Ten commandments fall under this category of moral law and are relevant even today.

·       Predetermination by God since foundations of the world is upheld. God had determined before all-time who would be eternally saved and who would be condemned to hell.

·       Christian liberty as taught in Galatians is that the conscience freed from the yoke of the Law, may cheerfully obey the will of God.

·       Prayer is important in the life of a Christian and ought to be offered to God, the Almighty through Jesus Christ.

·       Our obedience to Magistrates/State ought to be such, that the obedience which we owe to the King of kings (God) shall remain entire and unimpaired.

Well, some points to ponder! The purpose of the Institutes was the edification of the church and clarification of many disputed matters and also to bring out the wrong doctrines of not only Catholics, but also of mysticism, humanism and fanaticism (of Anabaptists), that were prevalent those days, and still linger on. According to him, Scripture alone is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. His book is a systematization of the faith itself. He discusses in detail the Ten Commandments, The Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the sacrament of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper and Christian liberty.

It has been said that the main principle of Martin Luther’s theology is justification by faith, whereas Calvin gave importance to the sovereignty of God in everything. Calvin believed in total deprivation of mankind, unconditional love of God, availability of atonement to man, and predestination.

Though difficult to read, it is an enriching exercise, to be undertaken by every Christian. So go ahead and delve into it. Bravo! All the best, and God bless your efforts to fathom the rich minds of the saints of yester years through their writings.  

Wednesday, 6 November 2024


The Wonder that was India!

It is a long time since I met you all in my blog. The last blog was posted in June 2024, some five months back. But my videos on Apocalypse were running till the end of August 2024 and it was great to connect with you all through that series. So, it is only two months and a few days since my inactivity!

Monsoon seasons are just getting over, with the South West monsoon having retreated by the middle of October, and the North East monsoon starting also in the middle of October and running till the end of that month, may be will stay active till December end. Can you imagine these same monsoons, known as Trade winds, took ancient Indians to far flung nations, to enrich themselves and their country? That is what they did.[1] Knowing the direction of the monsoon wind and the beginning and end of each these two, meant they could manure successfully, to their advantage, these biannual seasonal winds.

And where did they go? In the winter winds, they sailed from the west coast of India, Gujarat, and the southern peninsula, to the east coast of Africa to reach Ethiopia. Thereafter they could take the northern Persian Gulf to Iran and Mesopotamia or the southern path through Aden via Red Sea to Egypt. Then they took the summer monsoon to return home in August. Trip one way took just 45 days at the most!

It would surprise us Indians to know that Indian merchants had established colonies in 2300 BC in today’s Iraq, of Sumerian civilization. Etched carnelian beads from Gujarat have been dug up from the tombs of kings of Ur – a place from where Abraham, the father of Jews, hailed, which he left to journey over to Canaan. Items from Indus Valley Civilization have been found here in the second millennium. Indian spices like cinnamon, pepper, diamonds, beads, silks, have been found in Egypt in 1213 BC, and Greek islands. To fight in the Roman arenas, they imported tigers, leopards, panthers and even rhinoceros from India via Red Sea. Other luxury items imported by the Roman Empire from India were, diamonds, rubies, pearls, ebony, teak, amethysts, onyx, sandal wood, red coral, elephant tusks, tortoise shells, Indian cotton, Chinese silk, etc. Also carved furniture, ivory mirrors, and boxes. An Indian ivory figurine, a dancer wearing anklets was popular abroad and was found amidst the ruins of Pompey! Tamil and Sanskrit words for many spices had become familiar in the West. The word pepper came from Tamil pipali and ginger from Tamil singabera.

Ship building was a great industry within India, in Gujarat and in the south, where strong ocean-going sturdy boats or ships were built. These could carry 1000 passengers and up to 3000 vats or amphorae, and travel via Red Sea and return. This flourishing western trade made Pliny the Elder of the first century Rome, described India as “the sink of the world’s precious metals,” that is, gold and silver, up to 55 million sesterces annually. Once the Roman conquest of Egypt was made by the 1st century BC, the trade underwent a sixfold increase. Greek geographer Strabo writes that from Ethiopia and northern most Nile, some 120 vessels sailed to and from India every year. Rome also collected tax on the incoming trading vessels; it was so profitable that it covered one third of the entire revenue of the Roman Empire!

Roman coins keep surfacing from south India in hoards! In Kottayam in Kerala, a large brass bowl containing 8000 gold aurei, Roman coins were unearthed recently. Ancient Tamil ports of Arikamedu, Poduke, in today’s Tamil Nadu, have yielded artifacts from Roman, Egyptian, Italian, France, and Spain. Near these ports, Roman settlements were found, and Roman gold coin hoards have been dug up from here.  

With the fall of Western Roman Empire in 5th century AD, the trade declined, more so with the constant wars between Persia and Byzantium in the 6th century AD. With this the Indian merchants shifted their focus and overseas trade to the east, to “Suvarnabhumi,” the Land of Gold, comprising today’s Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, mainly South-east Asia. Indian sailors, especially from the southern tip of India, sailed every eastward monsoon, carrying beads, textiles, metal goods, and other Indian manufactures and exchanged these with spices, gold, camphor, resin and other raw materials from this region. By the 5th century, a direct route from southern India through Straits of Malacca, went straight up to China. Bay of Bengal became a single cultural and geographical area within the Indosphere, uniting countries on both its sides.

As Indian influence and culture spread in all these areas, Indian merchants brought with them skilled artisans from today’s Tamil Nadu, to work in these areas, and the gold they bought in Sumatra, Borneo, Malay peninsula and Thailand. From Bengal also these vessels plied. At a temple site in Thailand, archaeologists have found goldsmith’s touchstone etched in Tamil inscription in the 1st century AD. Indian style jewelry have been found here in the 3rd century BC itself. Suvarnabhumi was full of gold and Indian artisans took full advantage of it, by staying there and working on these. Archaeologist have dug out plenty of golden ornaments from this area of Mekong River delta. It was really a land of gold! Along with trade and artisans, Indian language, art, and architecture also got exported to South-east Asia. Sanskrit, Indian epics Mahabharata and Ramayana spread to these places. It became a part of Indosphere.

Buddhism spread to Sri Lanka and South-east Asia through the same route, travelling up to China. Mauryan Emperor Ashoka with his capital in north India, Pataliputra, modern Patna in the State of Bihar, converted to Buddhism, repenting the lives lost in his war against Kalinga and his conquest of the region, in 250 BC. He made maximum efforts to spread Buddhism across the world. His conversion to Buddhism was as dramatic as the conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine to Christianity in the 4th century AD. It changed the course of history.  Ashoka sent his own son Mahindra and daughter, as missionaries to the Raja of Sri Lanka with some relics. The Raja was converted and donated a park for the monks of the Sangha to build a great monastery.

Buddhism reached northwards to Afghanistan and Tibet and then to China. From China it spread further eastward to Indo-China, Korea and Japan, by 6th century AD. South-east Asia became predominantly Hindu-worshippers, but Buddhism made inroads and today we see the population here are mainly Buddhists. What Buddhism lost in its own place of birth, India, she made good in other places, across South -east Asia, China, Indo-China and Japan. It is interesting to note that having driven away Buddhism from its land of birth, riding on the wave of Hindu revival under Shankaracharya in the 8th century AD, India is now inviting Buddhism back, may be to reap the potential of Tourism.

The largest Hindu temple in the world to day is not in India, but in Cambodia, the Angkor Wat, a temple devoted to Hindu god Vishnu. The largest Buddhist complex is in Java at Borobudur. This cultural hegemony or soft power of India over its neighbors stayed till 12th and 13th centuries AD. This was achieved, we must remember, not by sword, as with the spread of Islam over the world in the 6th and 7th centuries onwards. It was not through colonialism or imperialism as with the spread of Western powers, with the help of gunpowder and oppression and fleecing the countries of their wealth and suppressing their culture. It was done through peaceful means, a rich cultural exchange between regimes and countries which were equal to each other.   

India discovered the use of numbers as we see today and the use of zero at the end, making it possible for us to calculate in an easy manner, the decimal system. It passed on to the Islamic Abbasid empire in Baghdad, by the Arab merchants in 8th century AD, and spread all over the Western world. The Roman numerals being used by the West till then was very cumbersome. The Sanskrit texts from Indian mathematicians like Aryabhata (550 AD) were translated in Arab first and then into the European languages.

But what happened to all these intelligence and advance in trading methods and astronomy and mathematics and Sanskrit texts and the influence of the south Indian temples and so on? How did they lose their flavor? Research shows that the Mongol invasion of the 13th century wrecked the traditional trade routes and they began to break down. A new trade network through Central Asian land became paramount, later to be called the Silk Roads, from China up to Mediterranean. This is what enabled Marco Polo to travel from Venice, Italy, up to Mongolian Emperor, Kublai khan’s regime in China in 1271 AD. Inside India, Muslim conquests from 8th century onwards destroyed the peaceful pursuit of art and literature and ancient wisdom. Temples were demolished and mosques were built on them. Sanskrit lost its fame, and Persian became the court language in Delhi. This will last well into the East India Company’s rule, and only change into English, with the crown of England taking over the rule in 1857 AD. Next two hundred years or so, the British did terrible damage to the culture, drained off the wealth of India and left us as a Third World Country.

What was the reason that we let all these foreigners to walk over us? There was no central governance in the country. The Mughals stabilized India during their rule and the money and wealth stayed in India, unlike during the British Raj, when money left Indian shores to the West, oiling their Industrial revolution. When Mughal rule floundered, the East India Company stepped in. There was no strong ruler to stop them or galvanize the whole of India against the foreign enemy. That is why the Constitution writers of the independent India went in for a strong unitary center, with States forming federation.

Can we undo the past damages and rise as one India to claim our place in the world? Can we take back our lost position as the world’s most industrious, intelligent and manufacturing people? Possible, if only we can unite India and not divide India.  

God bless India and Indian people.  

[1] Read “The Golden Road: How Ancient India Transformed the World, by William Dalrymple, 2024; a very interesting read!

Monday, 20 May 2024

Ruins of Ephesus

Ruins of Ephesus

It is a long, long, time since I wrote a blog! But today I thought I must sit and type it out, after a trip to Turkey and a visit to Ephesus – good reasons! Turkey is a culturally and historically important place, for Istanbul, its capital was Constantinople, the capital of Byzantine Empire for 1000 years. A city established by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great in AD 330, it became the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, which stood as the important center of Christendom, until 1453 AD when it was conquered by the Ottoman Turks, who renamed it as Istanbul. It is a pity that some people think of the trip to Turkey only as fun and for enjoyment, missing the historical and cultural importance of the place, and the impact it had in shaping world history.  

Now to Ephesus we turn! This is the renowned city of old in Asia Minor, which under the Roman Empire was under the rule of a Proconsul. But the city has a history dating back to 1400 BC, and more, for a Mycenean tomb was found during excavations. In 1860 statues of Artemis dating back to BC 3000 were excavated, which are of the Hittite period, when the place was called Apassa. It was a harbor city, being situated near the mouth of the river Cayster, where it joins the Aegean Sea. Today it is silted up and the old harbor lies six kms from the sea, and lies in ruins near a town called Selcuk.  

In 550 BC Ephesus was conquered by Croesus of Lydia, who rebuilt the temple of Artemis there and it became the wonder of the ancient world. Artemis was the Greek goddess of fertility, called Diana by the Romans. This is the place where Paul had come in AD 53, and proclaimed the gospel, also preaching that idols are not gods. This stirred up a riot in Ephesus for the sale of the silver shrines of Artemis went down, due to such exhortations. The mob that had collected there shouted for two hours saying, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” The town clerk quietened them with great effort and dismissed the crowd. All these are narrated in Acts of the Apostles 19:21-41. Later, Paul stayed in Ephesus for almost three and a half years and continued his ministry, implanting a few home churches in and around the area.

When John the Apostle came to Ephesus as an old man, after his internment in the island of Patmos, he wrote down his visions as the Apocalypse or Revelation, the last book in the Bible. He writes the seven letters of Jesus Christ to the seven churches in the then Asia Minor, which start with Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7; see my book “Revelation Made Easy,” pp.44-46). Traditionally it is held that John died here of old age. As a witness stands the St. John Basilica, on the top of the citadel in Selcuk. His grave lies here and a modest church was built over it in 4th century AD, which was replaced by a magnificent sanctuary built by Emperor Justinian and his wife Theodora (around AD 545). It is a cross-shaped basilica with six domes, the central dome sheltering the grave of John the Apostle. Today it lies in ruins, with the Islamic government and tourist guides not giving importance to this site, which was a Christian pilgrimage site at one time.    

Jesus Christ, from the cross entrusted the care of his mother, Mary to his beloved disciple John, who was standing at the foot of the cross, along with mother Mary (Gospel according to John, 19:26-27). Tradition has it that John brought Mary to Ephesus and provided for her, and that she lived and died there. When the first Christians were scattered because of persecution by the Jews and Romans in AD 37-42, John fled from Jerusalem and came to Ephesus along with Mother Mary (so writes historian Eusebius). As Mother Mary is revered in Quran as the virgin mother of the Prophet Jesus, this place has become a pilgrim center

prayer requests hanging on the walls of the building
The house of Mother Mary

for Muslims also. The small and humble house where she lived along with John the Apostle, is among dense forests on the edge of Bulbul Mountain.

After her death, a church rose in that place, but was forgotten until a physically disabled German nun, Catherine Emmerich in 1800s described the location of the place she saw in her dream. Though she herself never visited the location, the priest of Izmir College in 1891 was sent to verify these facts and he confirmed the truth of the nun’s dreams. Thereafter by 1892 the place became a pilgrimage spot, especially as Pope Paul 6 in 1867, Pope John Paul 1 in 1979, and Pope Benedictus 16 in 2006 visited the place. What impressed me at the site was the thousands of prayer requests written in papers and hung or inserted on to the walls of the house and the little chapel there. It speaks volumes of the faith of the people!

Of the ruins of Ephesus, which was a great city in the ancient world, one saw Roman baths, Agora, temple of Hadrian, Library of Celsus, the grand theatre, harbor street, the temple of Artemis and so on. There is also the ruins of a temple to Domitian, the Roman Emperor (AD 81-96). There are pits, communal ones, of toilets! There are hillside terraced houses which are covered by tin, to keep them safe from the vagaries of the weather. These have ground floor, and two floors above. Frescoes and mosaics have been discovered here, these being houses of the rich, who have embellished their homes. The ruins of the library of Celsus in Ephesus are still standing tall, a two storied building, with sculptures adorning the entrance, built mostly during the period of Emperor Hadrian. The statues here depict Wisdom, Fortune, Science and Virtue. It was built in honor of the Roman senator Tiberius Julius Celsus, the General Governor of the Province of Asia, (Ephesus was the capital of the province), who was a great lover of books, the construction started by his son and completed in AD 117.

The steps leading to the top seats in the Amphitheatre

The next important ruin is that of the Great Theater, which can accommodate some 25000 spectators, being the largest in Asia Minor. Remains of stadium and gymnasium are also seen. The Temple of Artemis is also in ruins, but must have been magnificent during the hay days, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It is the largest marble temple ever built. Pliny the Younger (who lived in in 1st century AD) states that there were 127 marble columns, the front and the back having double colonnade. It was burnt down by one crazy man named Herostrate in 356 BC, and it never regained its glory thereafter. Today only a single, lone column stands as a witness to this once famous temple.

So, empires come and go, emperors live and die, famous cities lie in ruins, marbles and mosaics become memories, all indicating the transient nature of this world and its attractions – a good reason for us to place our eyes and attention on the eternal city that awaits every believer as promised by the Lord Jesus Christ. These ruins of a once famous city tell us exactly that!     

Saturday, 9 September 2023

Ulrich Zwingli: The Swiss Reformer


Zwingli is not a well-known figure like Martin Luther in the Reformation narrative. Yet he is an important person and the leader of the Reformation in Switzerland, who gave up his life fighting the Catholic church. It is interesting to know that Swiss Reform was born with the “Affair of the Sausages,” that happened in Zurich, on March 9, 1522. The Catholic church had proclaimed a 40-day period of penitence, and spiritual discipline, in view of the Lenten period. The people were to get busy with prayers, moderate their consumption of alcohol and avoid eating meat. At the printer’s workshop some rebels gathered including Zwingli, a priest, and on Ash Wednesday, at the start of the Lent, they broke the rules by eating sweet pastries and Swiss smoked sausages. Though Zwingli did not eat the sausages, he was very much a part of this rebel gang. This affair exploded into a full-fledged rebellion against the wrong doings of the Catholic church.

Born in a respectable family, in January 1484, at Wildhaus in Switzerland, Zwingli grew up in comfort, raised to be respectable and a reputable member of society. He and his siblings helped the family in farm work, and also in cooking, cleaning and herding cattle. He grew up to love the country side and nature. Observing his intellect and keen interest in studies, his father sent him to his uncle, and then to Bartholomew’s school in Wesen for further studies. He was taught Latin, reading, writing and simple arithmetic. On his 10th birthday, he was sent to Basel for his secondary education. There he took to debates and excelled in it. He continued his secondary education in Berne, where he was taught classical literature. He started to compose poems.

With his ability as a speaker and writer, excelling in music and poetry, the Dominican monks eyed him and wanted to recruit him to their order, to gain prestige and also to earn more revenue to their order. But his father would hear nothing of this and removed his son from Berne and admitted him to University of Vienna to study Philosophy, along with astronomy, and physics. But midway, he left Vienna and entered the University of Basel in 1502, taking literature and humanism. He went on to pursue his Master’s in scholastic theology. He was 20 years old and was something of a miracle-boy, well versed in many musical instruments, and brought forth melodious music out of the instruments. People thronged to listen to him.

 In due course, he was disappointed with the life style of the priests in the church, and that the sermons were given in Latin, which were not understood by the laity. In 1505 he met the brilliant professor Wyttenbach who urged the youngsters not to give up church, but to study for themselves the ancient doctrines of the Church as given in the Scriptures. Zwingli understood that Christ was the only mediator between God and man, and that the only hope of remission of sins is Christ’s atoning death on the cross.

In 1506 he obtained his master’s degree and was ordained as a priest and started to preach. He served in the city Glarus for ten years. Gradually Zwingli realized that the church was distorting the message of the Scripture and recognized the deficiencies of the Catholic clerics. He started to reeducate the people and preserve the sanctity of the Scriptures in all earnestness. His rhetorical skills attracted the people. He was not happy with the practice of recruiting soldiers to serve as mercenaries to fight foreign armies, a practice in existence since 13th century and almost 12% of Swiss population were employed as mercenaries. However, since he sided the Pope Julis II in the war against French, he was rewarded and appointed as a military chaplain in 1513 with a hefty pension. He was dispatched to the battlegrounds in Italy during the Battle of Novara in 1513 and the Battle of Marigano in 1515, but the Swiss lost to France. He was appalled by the killings and death and the savagery of war all around him. He left his post and went to Einsiedelm in 1516.

Zwingli started to oppose the mercenary system. But he was also involved in a few sexual scandals of his own. Keeping concubines and having affairs with women was common among the Catholic clergy in those days. Between 1516 and 1518 he devoted to the scrutiny and analysis of the Bible. He educated himself in Hebrew and Greek so that he could read Bible in the original languages. He also listed out a detailed list of the Church’s failings and abuses. Around 1516 he met with Erasmus, the famous Dutch Humanist, and Catholic theologian and the mutual admiration was inevitable. They corresponded for years, but later on Erasmus got uncomfortable with Zwingli’s radical views.

By 1518 Zwingli had become a celebrity and was posted to the prestigious post of People’s Priest at Zurich on 1.1.1519; he was just 35. His superiors suggested to him to earn more money for the church and also to coax the congregation to pay their rent and tithes to show their love for Church. That was their chief motive in appointing such an eloquent preacher to the post! Once Zwingli realized it, he put even more efforts to teach his congregation every book of the New Testament. He taught them from the Bible and not on random biblical passages.

He was very methodical in his daily routines. Till 10 am he gave himself to reading, critical study and writing. Till lunch time, he listened to people and counselled. He walked and talked with his friends in the evenings. Then he resumed to his studies. After supper, he took a short walk and wrote letters until midnight. He had a great rapport with his audiences and the common people. He visited market places and invariably people gathered around him and he gave impromptu sermons for their benefit. He was becoming extremely popular.

In 1519 he worked among his parish people serving them in the Black Death that afflicted them. He himself became sick and was at his death bed, but was miraculously healed and restored. He started to preach with renewed vigor, this time exposing the wrongs of the clergy, even bishops, naming them and accusing them from the pulpit. He denied the existence of purgatory, the practice of ex-communication, the mandatory tithes, sale of indulgences, lavish gifts, and monetary donations. He preached repentance, improvement of life, Christian love and faith in Christ. He rebuked vices among people like idleness, excesses in drinking, eating, gluttony, suppression of the poor, pensions and wars. In 1521 he was appointed canon/priest of Grossmunster in Zurich, a coveted position, which he used fully to propagate his views against the Catholic church and its practices.

Two months after the sausage affair, Zwingli preached that no where in the Bible it is written that all Christians were to abstain from food and drink on any special occasion. There were no food laws in Christianity. These were all man-made traditions. Not that he was against fasting, taken as a religious practice by sincere believers, but not on compulsion by church. Subsequently, Zurich abolished religious pensions, conducting services in Latin and compulsory fasting. In 1522 in violation of celibacy rules, he married a widow, who had three children and together they had four more children. He was castigated by Catholics for such heretical preaching and writings. He presented a defense of his views in a disputation called, “First Zurich Disputation” in 1523, January, attended by 600 clerics. Zwingli prepared “Sixty-Seven Articles,” upholding the truths of the Gospel and the Scriptures. As a result, the Zurich Council permitted all priests to preach nothing but what is written in the Scriptures.

Unfortunately, some churches started to destroy and break all paintings and statues of saints and martyrs, as objects of idol worship, even relics and musical instruments. Conservative Catholics rose up in arms. Violence was in the air. A second disputation was held in October, 1523, against icons and saintly worship. Once again Zwingli convinced the council of his views. In 1524 purge of icons was enacted in Zurich and by 1525 pilgrimages and sale of indulgences were abolished, and also the sacraments of penance and extreme unction (the anointing of the sick). Reforms moved very quickly and Zwingli will not slow down. With the appropriation of the church tithes, the city council was able to enact Poor Law to take care of the poor, widows and the marginalized.      

Zwingli, now a paid official of the city council Zurich, was opposed also by Anabaptists or “Re-baptizers,” who insisted that only adult Christians who had fully confessed were eligible for sacraments. There was clash between the two groups and many Anabaptists were arrested and executed. By 1525-1526, Catholics from five States within Switzerland, joined together and challenged Zwingli. Disputations followed. The Five States partnered with Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I and a war broke out between these two groups by 1529. A meeting was held between Martin Luther and Zwingli in October 1529 to join forces between the two reformer groups. But Luther refused to join due to his different understanding of the Holy Communion. Luther held that the presence of Christ was in the wafers and wine, the doctrine of “Transubstantiation,” whereas Zwingli held that this sacrament was just a celebration and remembrance of what Jesus did for us on the cross.   

In 1531 war broke out between Zwingli group and the Five Catholic States. In the war at Kappel, on 11th October 1531, Zwingli was killed and his body mangled beyond recognition. He was just 47 years old. He paid with his life for the truths he stood for. Martin Luther, John Calvin and others had gained prominence in Reformation, but no one can forget that Zwingli played an important role and worked tirelessly to weed out corruption and abuses of the Catholic Church in Switzerland. His role in reformation can never be forgotten nor overshadowed.

What a life! Do we not need a second reformation to cleanse today’s church of corruption, nepotism and deceit? Where are the reformers – in the Methodist church, in the CSI, in the Wesleyan, the Protestant churches in general? Will the Lord raise someone before His Second Coming to cleanse the church, or will He come first, punish the evil-doers and establish His kingdom and rule with justice and equity? Let us pray for the cleansing of our churches and the return of our Lord early. Let His will be done, Amen.   

Sunday, 6 August 2023

The Life of St. Francis of Assisi


“The Life of St. Francis,” is an official biography of St. Francis, written in 1260 by the great scholastic theologian, scholar of repute, philosopher, and Catholic bishop St. Bonaventure, as commissioned by the Franciscan Order. St. Bonaventure himself was considered the greatest Franciscan mystic after St. Francis; he was born as Giovanni di Fidanza in 1221; he was just a boy of 11 years when he came in contact with St. Francis and was saved from an untimely death by the prayers of St. Francis. He entered Franciscan Order in 1243, became the Cardinal Bishop of Albano and was given the title “Doctor of the Church.” He suddenly died in 1274 while attending the Ecumenical Council, just a few years after St. Francis’ own death in 1226. He was known for attempting to integrate faith and reason. He was canonized in 1482 by Franciscan Pope Sixtus IV. Being Protestants, many of us, including me, do not know much about these exemplary saints and their lives and I thought I should introduce them to you. Having seen briefly about Bonaventure, we will now concentrate on St. Francis of Assisi.

St. Francis of Assisi was born in AD 1181 in Assisi, Italy, to a rich cloth merchant Pietro di Bernardone and lady Pica, their only son, and was baptized Giovanni by the mother and Franesco by his father. He grew up in material comforts and was a care-free child. As a youth of 19 years in 1201, to earn glory and honor, he adorned himself as a knight and went to join the war with Assisi’s rival Perugia. He was captured and spent a year as a prisoner. His father paid a huge sum as ransom to liberate him. In 1205 he again went as a knight, but suffered illness and received a vision leading to his conversion at his 23rd year. Not satisfied with material comforts, he started to give away his wealth to the poor.

One day in 1206, as he was praying in a small church in San Domiano, he heard Christ speak to him from the crucifix, “Rebuild my Church.” When his father demanded him to return all the money he had squandered in charity to the poor and in rebuilding the church, he at the central plaza, in the presence of all the town people, stripped himself naked, gave back these rich dresses to his father and renounced his hereditary rights. The Bishop of Assisi who was there wrapped the naked Francis with his clock. Francis solemnized his wedding to the Lady Poverty and renounced all worldly goods, honors and privileges.

Francis engaged in prayers often and concentrated in inner devotion, the life of the heart. He was kind to all animals and birds. He called them his sisters/brothers. Chesterton called him ‘The court fool of the King of Paradise.’ He was gentle, with refined manners, patient, affable, and generous beyond his means. He was like the merchant in the parable who sold all his wealth to buy the pearl of great value (Mt.13:44-46). He was still not sure of God’s plan for him. One day, as he came riding a horse, he saw a leper, ran and kissed him, and gave him some money. After mounting his horse, he turned to see the leper, no one was found. He sang praises of God and left. He sought out lonely places and prayed incessantly. He saw Jesus Christ on the cross, which made him cry and sigh remembering the passion of Christ. He started to visit lepers and help them out. On seeing large number of poor in the church of St. Peter, he gave away his clothes to them and put on their rags and spent the day in the midst of the poor.

Having given up all earthly possessions and relationships, he went around as ‘the herald of the great King.’ He asked alms like a beggar and received it. He lived in a colony of lepers and served them – washing their wounds, bandaging them, and kissing their ulcerous wounds. God gave him miraculous healing powers. One leper who came to see him was healed miraculously. He begged for funds to repair the church of San Damiano. Once that was completed, he went and stayed in a dilapidated church in Portiuncula, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. He felt that angels visited this place often. He started his Order of Friars Minor here and started to preach the gospel. The truth of his simple living and teaching became known and some men were inspired to live a life of penance and followed him. They all adopted the humble life of Francis and were wedded to poverty and chastity. He wrote down the rule of life for those who joined him. He went to Rome to meet the Pope Innocent III to get his permission and he was given a mission to freely preach penance, gospel and the rules were approved as well.

Francis moved with his followers to the valley of Spoleto and started preaching. Instead of living alone for himself, he started to live for others, whose souls Satan was in the process of snatching away. He took shelter in an abandoned hut near Assisi, with his followers, now called friars (or monks, members of mendicant orders), and lived in poverty. They spent more time in incessant prayers. They studied the Word, day and night and taught by example about crucified life. Once as Francis was in prayers, seated apart from the other friars, they saw a fiery chariot of brilliance enter the hut and turn around it three times. It was like the eyes of the servant of Elisha which were opened to see the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire (2 Kings 6:17).

The little flock of twelve at Portiuncula steadily grew. They went around the villages and towns preaching the gospel in the power of the Spirit. Inspired by his example many joined the Order. Many miracles were performed by the grace of God. The number of the friars grew up to 5000, and they were provided with food and health by divine assistance. Soon provincial chapters were established and the order grew. Some of them saw Francis lifted up in the air inside the church with his arms extended as though on cross, blessing the friars. Directed by a vision Francis went to a nearby mountain with two of his companions where he fasted on bread and water and dictated the condensed form of the Rule for his order as moved by the Holy Spirit. The rules were confirmed by the Pope Honorius.

Francis was strict with his own body and kept the sensual appetites controlled with rigid discipline. He hardly ever ate cooked food. When he did, he would mix it with ashes and make it flavorless by adding water to it. He slept on the bare ground with a piece of wood or stone for a pillow. He was clothed in a single tunic and served the Lord in cold and nakedness. The passion for Christ which burned in his heart made him endure the cold outside. To lessen the softness of the tunic he wore, he used to sow pieces of cord inside to make it rough. He took care to douse even traces of carnal lust in his heart. In the beginnings of his conversion, he used to plunge himself in icy water for this purpose. He called his body ‘Brother Ass!’ He commanded his friars to avoid familiarity with women. He himself would scarcely look at the face of any woman. They were to entertain women only for confession or very briefly to give instruction to save their souls.

He also taught his friars to flee idleness, but work and keep busy so that the mind or tongue would not wander into unlawful things. They were to observe silence and not babble around. But excessive fasting, he avoided; they have to be prudent in the matter. He himself had reached such purity with his body and spirit in harmony with God. God ordained the creatures to serve his servant. Some of the friars who were close to him once observed heavenly music and lute playing, but could see no one, and realized it was a visitation from God’s angels to comfort his poor suffering servant. Once as he was crossing the river Po, it became night and pitch darkness enveloped them. But Francis confidently said the Lord can make darkness shine as light. Soon a great light began to shine around them and they safely reached their lodging, singing grateful songs praising God.

He would not allow his friars to hold offices, even ecclesiastic offices, because it could lead to their fall. He himself was humble to the core. He called himself, ‘the greatest of sinners.’ Once, the city of Arezzo was threatened by civil war. He saw with his spiritual eyes the city devils rejoicing and inflaming the citizens to mutual slaughter. He sent his disciple to go to the city gate and command the devils to leave the place immediately. On his command the devils left the place and the citizens resolved their problems amicably and the civil strife was avoided. He considered poverty as the foundation of the Order. Only those who gave away all possessions were admitted into the Order. He will not cease praying for any matter, until he knew he had been heard. Once when he worried about provisions for the friars, God responded saying, “I chose you for this because you are a simple man and what I would do in you would be ascribed to divine grace and not to human effort. I have called the friars; I will preserve and feed them.” This was a great lesson to him.

He saw Christ’s face in all the poor. He had special love for Mary, the mother of Jesus. He undertook forty days fast many times. When war was waging between Christians and Saracens, he went to meet the Sultan, knowing full-well the Sultan’s strict orders to bring him the heads of Christians. With great difficulty he met the Sultan and preached him the gospel. As he wouldn’t convert, St. Francis returned without accepting his gifts. Many healings and miracles were wrought through him by the Spirit, but there is no place here to mention everything.

Towards the end of his life, when he was on 40 days fasting at Mount La Verna, he had the vision of a Seraph and the crucified Savior covered by Seraph's wings. After the vision the markings of crucifixion – the Stigmata was imprinted on his body. The wounds, nails and bleedings were seen only by those who were very close to him, that too rarely, for he kept it all covered. Two years after the stigmata, his bodily weakness and sufferings from many illnesses increased and knowing the time of his death has come, he requested to be carried to the church of St. Mary of the Portiuncula. He said to his friars, “I have done my duty; may Christ teach you yours.” He called his sufferings his sisters! He had crossed his arms in the form of a cross over his body and bid farewell to the friars, addressing them as sons. He died in his early forties. He was buried in AD 1226 at Assisi and was canonized in AD 1228 by Pope Gregory IX. A basilica was constructed by his followers at Assisi and his body transferred there in AD 1230.

What a remarkable life! Wedded to poverty and devoted to Christ! He was a man of many miracles and exemplary life; a man on whom stigmata, the signs of the cross were imprinted; a kind-hearted soul, kind to humans, animals and plants. He pummeled his flesh to keep it under control, just as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:27, “I punish my body and enslave it, so that after proclaiming to others I myself will not be disqualified.” St. Francis is the most illustrious example of this. We in 21st century cannot even imagine a life like that, but we ought to know that there have been saints who had practically lived such a life, and were rewarded supernaturally. Praise to the Lord and all glory to him alone. Amen.