Many point out that we are living in
the end time and prophecy that the return or the Second Coming of Jesus Christ,
this time in power and glory, is imminent. In this connection, I came across accidentally,
a whole series of literature on Nephilim and their significance to the end
times. This blog is about this.
According to Bible, Nephilim were the
product, when sons of God, the angels took a fancy to the daughters of man and
mated with them. Genesis 6:2-4 says, “the sons of God saw that the daughters of
men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose… The Nephilim were
on the earth in those days – and also afterward- when the sons of God went to
the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men
of renown.”
So, Nephilim were the ‘the fallen
ones,’ in Greek known as ‘gigantes,’ which translates in English as ‘giants.’ They
were hybrids of angels and human beings. And giants were on the earth in olden
days. They were called Titans in Greek mythology, the first generation of this
hybridisation, depicted in the movie ‘The Clash of Titans.’
The Book of Enoch, which is not included in
the Old Testament Canon, but was discovered in 1947 along with the other
biblical books in the Dead Sea Scrolls, graphically describes this event.
According to this book, some 200 fallen angels, the followers of Lucifer, known
to us as the Devil, descended on Mount Hermon in the north Lebanon, and
proceeded to corrupt the flesh of humankind.
Bible talks of some 36 tribes living
in and around Canaan in the middle East, who were giant races, including Amelekites,
Anakims, Girgashites, Raphaims and Zumzumims. Twenty-two giants are named in
the Bible accounts, like Agag, Nimrod, Og of Bashan, Sihon, Goliath and his four
Now every country in the world has
tales about these giants. The first generation of the Titans in Greek mythology
fought each other and within 500 years died as their parents watched. After the
Flood of Noah, we have Nimrod and his famous Tower of Babel, built to reach the
heavens and confront God Himself. Atlas and Hercules belong to this lore.
In India, we have ‘Rakshashas’ and ‘Asuras,’
whom the incarnations of god Vishnu, like Rama and Krishna fought and defeated
in the wars narrated in the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Closer home, Hindu mythology depicts
Mahisasura, who was an asura (giant) and also a buffalo (a human and animal
hybrid) in Mysore, who was killed by Chamundeshwari, goddess Kali and a temple
stands in that place.
There were half human and half animal
hybrids also. Famous were the centaurs of Greek mythology, with a body of horse
and a torso of man. Egyptians had their Sphinx, a human-headed lion-bodied
figure and a canine-like Anubis. Chinese and Japanese folk lore are also
replete with such figures. Would the elephant-headed god Vinayaka of Hindu mythology
fall under this category? I wonder.
With the result of these
hybridisation, human flesh or genome was corrupted and violence ruled the
world. Many of these giants were cannibalistic and devoured human beings and
were very violent and vicious. God who created human beings grieved at this
corruption and decided to wipe away all land animals and human beings and Noah’s
flood came to be. Genesis 6:57.
Satan, who succeeded in seducing Even
and Adam to disobey God in the Garden of Eden, sometime later succeeded in
corrupting all flesh, both animal and human on earth. God, the Creator planned
to annihilate the corrupt flesh from the face of the earth, but Noah found
favour in the eyes of the Lord, because he was perfect in his generation and
was pure, Genesis 6:8,9, without any contamination of these fallen angels’
But giants were there after the flood
too. How did they come about? There must have been some genetic mix up, through
Noah’s sons or through the wives of his sons. However, if the giants prior to
the flood were 18 to 36 feet tall, the post-Diluvian giants were only 9 to 13 feet
Israel were disheartened when the
spies they sent came back with the report that Canaanites were huge. Number
13:32-33 says, “…all the people we saw there are of great size. We saw the
Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed lie
grasshoppers in or own eyes…”
Og the Amorite King of Bashan on the
eastern side of the Riven Jordan was a giant, whom Israelites defeated.
Deuteronomy 3:11 says his bed was made of iron and was more than thirteen feet
long and six feet wide. So, he must have been of 9-13 feet tall. Goliath, whom
David killed was over nine feet tall, says 1 Samuel 17:4.
From 19th century onward, archaeological
excavations have brought out huge bones of 12-19 feet tall humans from all over
the earth. The premise is these are the remains of the giant humans who lived
once upon the earth.
I have always wondered like many
others, why God of the Old Testament (OT) was so particular and gave orders to
Moses and Joshua, the leaders of Israel, that these people living in Canaan should
be exterminated completely, not just men, but also women, children and animals.
It almost looked to a 21st century person that the OT God was tyrannical
and heartless.
Seen in the light of the Nephilim and
Satan’s strategy to corrupt all human and animal flesh, it makes sense to
cleanse the land off all these giants and the corrupted ‘flesh,’ or genome and
start afresh. Not even children of women or animals were to be spared.
Then again keeping the line of
Messiah pure was predominant in the plan of God, for He had promised in Genesis
3:15 that the ‘seed’ of woman will rush the serpent’s head. Messiah, the
Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ, had to come in the pure line, untainted by
fallen angels’ genome. In the light of this, it makes sense as to why God gave
such commands to His people. It was David, who finally exterminated all the remaining
giants from that area.
Well, you may say that was in the Old
Testament times. Now we are in the dispensation of a new covenant, one better
than the old, the New Testament. So why is this relevant to us now, especially
in the 21st century? Why bother about all these now? What is the
That will be the subject of my next